Pool Maintenance

by Imperial Leisure LLC

Pool Maintenance

Over the years, we have received many phone calls from people we've built pools for requesting maintenance. Finally, Imperial Gunite has formed a maintenance division called Imperial Leisure. We want you to enjoy your Imperial pool to its maximum potential. As an owner of an Imperial pool, this is an exclusive offer for you only.

At Imperial, we know what it takes to properly maintain the interior finish and how to keep the pump and filter working at their peak. Furthermore, we can guarantee you sparkling water and that there will be no damage to your plumbing or equipment over the winter. At Imperial, we know your pool like no one else and have been working with the most professional and ethical people in the industry for years. Through these relationships, we have hired highly skilled service technicians. We are proud of the pool we have built and are equally proud of the caliber of service we are now able to provide.

As always we will be available, if need be. Imperial Leisure will maintain a year-round staff of professionals. Our office hours will be Monday-Friday 9:00am,5:00pm and Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm. The phone number is 631-653-5707.

Lic # 12582HI
Suffolk County Lic # 12582HI

BBB Accredited
BBB Accredited

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